Locally grown and eaten… A blog highlighting local yummy vegetables in season and what to do with them.

Hi everybody ~

I have been thinking for some time about blogging about my day to day thoughts about planning for food security, the garden, and recipes.

I have been eating locally grown produce year round in the Maritime Northwest for about eight years now.  This blog will highlight some of my favorite vegetables during the seasons, recipes that I have found divine, and some tips for having oodles and oodles of success on your own.

Currently, I blog from Portland, OR where I have been experiencing the shift of moving from a rural location (150 acres) to an urban site (22×26 ft backyard).  I am glad to have some more experience with the challenges of growing food in an urban environment and I hope to hear more about some of your challenges.

Please comment on my blog with requests, questions, and comments.

Many blessings to you as you endeavor to contribute to your local foodshed.

Marisha:  http://www.herbnwisdom.com